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McBrayer Blogs

Rockin’ Around Rocky Holiday Custody Arrangements

Even amidst all the cheer and tinsel, the holidays can be difficult when it comes to managing the children’s schedule, especially for divorced or separated families. Changing family dynamics can add extra stress for both children and parents--but there’s no need to feel lost in the flurry. Here are some bright ideas to light you and your family through the coming season to ensure a cheery holiday. More >

Divorced? It’s Time to Update Your Estate Plan

Most people create their estate plans while they are married—leaving all of their assets to the surviving spouse and putting the surviving spouse in charge of their affairs upon death or incapacity. However, if you’ve recently gotten divorced and haven’t touched your estate plan since, an update is long overdue. More >

Don’t Have a Summer Break-Down—Tips for Splitting Summer Parenting Time

Spring break is now over but it is never too late to plan for the summer.  Unfortunately, those sunny days can turn into a dark cloud trying to split parenting time with an ex-spouse or co-parent. Now is the time to get ahead on establishing your summer plans and to avoid last minute scheduling-conflicts. Here are a few tips that can help you have a stress-free summer. More >

Candy Canes, Cookies, … and Child Custody: How to Make Arrangements for Holiday Parenting Time

As the holiday season approaches, many parents find themselves once again worrying over how to split holiday parenting time with an ex-spouse or co-parent. Though this can be a stressful time for those involved, it doesn’t have to turn you into a total Grinch. Here are some tips for taking some of the hassle out of your holiday and avoiding a last-minute court appearance in front of your family court judge. More >

A COVID Christmas: Navigating Child Custody This Holiday Season

When the state of Kentucky – and much of the country – went into lockdown in March, few people anticipated the impact of the pandemic continuing so far into the year. As the holidays approach and COVID-19 rates continue to increase throughout the U.S., a complex problem arises for people sharing custody of a child. How do co-parents manage visitation arrangements over the holidays in the face of social distancing, restricted gathering sizes, and two-week quarantines? How should co-parents responsibly handle the logistics of visitation rights when options for traveling safely are limited and staying in a household other than your primary residence is not recommended? More >

Five Common Misconceptions About Divorce

Posted In Divorce, Family Law

With any major life process, especially one concerning an institution such as marriage, there are bound to be collective popular notions about what happens throughout. This can make the divorce process more difficult in that divorcing spouses may come to the table convinced that the outcome can only go one way, and therefore they resign themselves to what they believe is a predetermined result. This cannot be further from the truth, so below are five of the most common misconceptions about divorce and a brief explanation about why they’re false. More >

Four Reasons to Mediate Your Divorce

It can probably go without saying that divorce can be a contentious process with strong emotions on all sides. When things heat up, it’s tempting to accept that a divorce can and should be all-out warfare in a courtroom, but is that really the best course of action for all involved? Does divorce (or any other family law issue) always require a fully adversarial process? In a word, no. Luckily, there is another option that is more cost-effective, less adversarial, and more often leads to positive outcomes – mediation. Below are four reasons why family law mediation might be the right choice for your family law issue. More >

When to Change Your Kentucky Child Support Order (Probably Not as Often as You Think)

Changing a child support order: It’s a relatively easy thing to get wrong, and it probably leads to more infighting between divorced former spouses than necessary. When is the right time to change a child support order? For an ex-spouse receiving child support, the answer might be any time the paying spouse gets an income boost. On the other hand, the paying spouse might protest that the only time to change the order is when she or he wins the lottery. Of course, they’d both be wrong, and the lines are fairly clear. More >

How to Find the Right Divorce Lawyer

Posted In Divorce

There are few times in your life that are more fraught with adversity and emotional consequences than the divorce process. It is a rocky enough process to attempt without the added strain of doing it without legal assistance. At the same time, choosing a divorce attorney comes with a different set of worries.  The first step in any divorce process should be a thoughtful and considered approach to hiring a legal professional to handle your case. I’ve assembled some tips below that should make the search for just the right attorney easier. More >

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