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McBrayer Blogs

Showing 7 posts from November 2014.

Business sales: getting an accurate valuation, P.2

In our last post, we began discussing the topic of business valuation, which is an important issue for those in business to have a grasp of when they approach the issue of selling their company or passing it on. As we noted, experts in the field identify several different approaches to business valuation. We’ve already briefly discussed the approach of the business’ assets or its income. More >

Asset Purchase: Initial Considerations

A recent post discussed a few generalities on stock purchases and asset purchases. In a basic sense, the characteristics of a stock purchase and of an asset purchase will guide the parties in the earliest stages of negotiation over whether to structure the transaction as a stock or asset deal. This post and posts to follow will expand on certain aspects of both types of deals that the parties may face as negotiations progress, beginning with a few initial considerations for parties negotiating an asset purchase. More >

Tax-Exempt Organizations: Excess Benefit Transactions vs. Private Inurement

In the past several years, tax-exempt organizations (hereinafter "Organizations") have faced greater scrutiny and attention from the IRS. As a result, Organizations must adhere to stricter compliance and administrative requirements to maintain their tax-exempt status. More >

Business sales: getting an accurate valuation, P.1

When it comes to selling or buying a closely held company, business valuation is an important issue. For sellers, the concern should be to ensure that one is able to receive a return on one’s investment, if possible. And buyers, of course, usually want to get a deal. Business valuation would be easier if it could be determined by a set formula, but as a recent article in The Lane Report notes, there is both a science and an art to business valuation.   More >

Give Thanks - And Think Of The Future

The holidays mean fun, feasts, festivities, and getting together with family and friends. They also pose the perfect opportunity to discuss important estate planning issues while everyone is together. There is no better time to talk about your wishes for the future than with loved ones around the table. This is especially true if family members live considerable distances from each other and only see each other a few times a year. More >

GoPro announces plans to sell millions in stock

Stock sell-off, a term which our readers may have come across before, refers to the selling of securities by a company, whether stocks or bonds or other commodities. According to Investopedia.com, sell-offs can occur for a variety of reasons, such as after a less than satisfactory earnings report or when oil prices significantly increase. A sell-off can be a smart way for companies to deal with uncertainties in the stock market, depending on how they are handled. More >

How can small business owners prepare for business succession?

Business succession planning is something every business owner needs to think about at some point, and the earlier the better. The need to come up with a viable plan to pass on one’s business is particularly important for small business owners who are alone responsible for passing on their business.  Unfortunately, too many small business owners fail to take steps to come up with a transition plan, or do so too late. More >

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