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Showing 4 posts in Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

What Kentucky Health Facilities Need to Know about Workplace Safety

Posted In Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Workplace health, Workplace Violence

Healthcare workplace violence is a recognized hazard in the healthcare industry. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2018 that approximately 73% of all nonfatal workplace violence injuries involved healthcare workers.[1] Even then, the incidence of workplace violence is likely higher due to underreporting.[2] Combined with the increased stress, isolation for patients and providers, and continued staffing issues and burnout, workplace violence has become one of the main contributors for healthcare workers to leave the field.[3]

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Compliance: Include Prescribing Practices!

Posted In House Bill 1, Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, Kentucky Board of Nursing, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Since the implementation of House Bill 1 in 2012, the restrictions on prescribing controlled substances have become more and more stringent, which is a response to the opioid epidemic sweeping Kentucky and the nation. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, the Kentucky Board of Nursing, and the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy are vigilant in policing prescribing practices and have tools through KASPER to closely monitor the prescribing practices of physicians and other practitioners. With the addition of new medications like Gabapentin to the controlled substances hit list, practitioners must be particularly careful to ensure that their prescribing is consistent with regulatory requirements, particularly when patients have been on this medication previously.   Physicians and practitioners must continually monitor compliance as even a minor violation can give rise to investigations, complaints and regulatory penalties.  Assessment of regulatory penalties, even when characterized as “Agreed Orders,” can have devastating consequences for physicians and practitioners’ practices and ability to maintain provider contracts, including Medicare and Medicaid. More >

The Kentucky Office of Health Policy Wants Your Comments

Posted In Affordable Care Act, Certificate of Need ("CON"), Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, State Health Plan

On October 1, 2013, the Kentucky Office of Health Policy issued a Special Notice stating that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services is accepting written comments in preparation of the filing of the 2014 update to the 2013-2015 State Health Plan. According to the Special Notice, the Cabinet is particularly interested in comments regarding revisions to the State Health Plan in order for it to comply with the Affordable Care Act. Although the State Health Plan is only prepared triennially, it is updated and signed by the Governor annually. More >

Affordable Insurance Exchanges

Affordable Insurance Exchanges seek to ease the navigation and financial burdens of both individual and small business health insurance.  As part of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), State-based exchanges are a “one-stop-shop” to compare and find affordable health coverage in a competitive insurance market.  The transparency of Exchanges allows consumers to compare private and public health plans based on price and quality. The ACA created the notion, but on August 12, 2011 the Department of Health and Human Services and Treasury awarded establishment grants to 13 states and the District of Columbia, to facilitate the implementation of the exchanges. More >

Lexington, KYLouisville, KYFrankfort, KYFrankfort, KY: MML&K Government Solutions